Charles Gardner Shaw Mycological Herbarium, Washington State University (WSP)

The Charles Gardner Shaw Mycological Herbarium contains over 75,000 accessioned fungal specimens. Important collections include: smuts (G.W. Fischer, R. Duran, L.M. Carris, K. Vanky); downy mildews (C.G. Shaw); powdery mildews (D.A. Glawe); Xylariaceae, Diatrypaceae, and other pyrenomycetes (J. D. Rogers & others); and fungi on grasses (R. Sprague), with a focus on the Northwest United States. Fungal exsiccati of historical Northwest collectors including Suksdorf, Piper, & others are available, as well as original complete sets of Fungi Columbiani (E. & E., Bartholomew) and North American Fungi (Ellis & Everhart). Collections from the whole USA, Canada, the UK, Austria, Germany, Finland, Romania & E. Europe, Mexico, Brazil, Taiwan & SE Asia, Russia, and New Zealand are also well represented.

Collections Manager: Monique Slipher,, (509)335-5242
General Contact: Herbarium Email,, 509-335-5242
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: a86f1b5e-693d-48d5-96ab-36f4bdd1be7e
Digital Metadata: EML File
Charles Gardner Shaw Mycological Herbarium
Dept. of Plant Pathology, Washington State University
P.O. Box 646430
Pullman, WA   99164-6430
United States
Collection Statistics
  • 74,352 specimen records
  • 73,860 (99%) georeferenced
  • 1 (0%) with images (3 total images)
  • 66,131 (89%) identified to species
  • 398 families
  • 2,020 genera
  • 13,047 species
  • 13,517 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics