Berkeley, M.J. and Curtis, M.A. 1853. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia 2: 279.
Peridium simplex papyraeeum extus implexo-sericeum (rudimenta peridii externi ;) capillitium e peridio undique radians intus cavum, muris lacunae cribrosis; sporae globosae minutae. Peridia aggregata vel confluentia. Mycelium commune tenue, saltem non crassum suberosum. Genus Broomeiae inter Lycoperdonas analogon.
COILOMYCES SCHWEINITZII, B. and C. Onygena Lycoperdon, Schwein. MSS.
On highly decayed wood : Surinam.
Peridia aggregate or altogether confluent, springing from a common thin, somewhat membranaceous but tough mycelium, ovate rather pointed at the apex, 1-4th or 1-3d of an inch high, white papyraceous, clothed with a matted silky coat. Capillitium containing a regular central subglobose cavity, the walls of which are perforated with numerous pores. Threads radiating from the peridium straight, rather irregular. Spores subglobose minute.
A very curious genus, differing from every thing with which we are acquainted, in its large regular central cavity. It is analogous to Broomeia, but the mycelium does not form a thick corky crust as in that genus, and it is allied to Lycoperdon rather than Geaster.
(Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Zeller n. comb.:
Zeller, S.M., 1948, Mycologia 40(6): 649.
COILOMYCES SCHWEINITZII Berk. & Curtis. A study of the type of this genus and species, which is to be
found in the Herbarium at N.Y.B.G., verifies Fischer's* assumption that this genus was based on a collection of Geastrum mirabile Mont. from Surinam. The central cavity to which the authors referred and upon which the generic name was based is where the relatively large columella had collapsed. The Berkeley and Curtis specific name predates Montagne's name and necessitates the following new combination:
Geastrum Schweinitzii (Berk. & Curtis) Zeller n. comb.
Coilomyces Schweinitzi Berk. & Curtis, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia (Series2) 2: 279-280. 1853. Geastrum mirabile Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. IV 3: 139-140. pl. 6, f. 8. 1855.
Geaster papyraceus B.& C., Am. Acad. Arts & Sci. Proc.4: 124. 1858.
Geaster lignicola Berk., Linn. Soc. Bot. Jour. 18: 386. 1891.
Geaster caespitosus Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 2: 315. pl. 100. 1907.
*Fischer, Ed. Gasteromycetes in Engler and Prantl, Die Nat. Pflanzen-fam. 7a: 1-122. 1933. (See p. 76.).