Lundell & Nannfeldt, Fungi Exs. Suec.
S. Lundell ; J.A.F. Nannfeldt. [1-3800]

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 749028
Holm, K.; Holm, L. #6123a 27 May 1998
Glomerella salicis (Auersw. ex Fuckel) L. Holm
Sweden, Uppland, Dalby parish Forest clearing c. 100 m SW of Jerusalem

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 749027
Lundell, Seth s.n. 22 June 1946
Glomerella salicis (Auersw. ex Fuckel) L. Holm
Sweden, Uppland, Uppsala, Bondkyrka parish The forest Nasten, between the Lurbo bridge and the cliff Predikstolen