Lundell & Nannfeldt, Fungi Exs. Suec.
S. Lundell ; J.A.F. Nannfeldt. [1-3800]

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 892731
Lundqvist N. s.n. 30 August 1985
Diatrype flavovirens (Pers.) Fr.
Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjo parish, 1 km SE of the church

USDA United States National Fungus Collections
Catalog #: BPI 892730
Lundqvist N. #5259a 24 April 1967
Diatrype flavovirens (Pers.) Fr.
Sweden, Uppland, Arentuna parish, at the "hunting-box" c. 4 km SW of Storvreta