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Relique Suksdorfiana
Editor(s): C.G. Shaw
Range: 1-98
Notes: Century I
Edit Title
Number range:
Date range:
Source Identifier (e.g.
Exs URL):
Delete Exsiccata
Merge Exsiccatae
Target Exsiccata:
[1 - 1172] (#521)
[[1 - 25]] (#537)
[1-100] (#294)
[1-200] (#297)
[201-2000] (#298)
[1-475] (#301)
[1 - 1000] (#48)
[1-50] (#304)
[1-2600] (#49)
[1-2300, plus extras] (#70)
[1-750, plus extras] (#71)
[1-50, plus extras] (#72)
[1 - 32] (#358)
[1 - 1750 [+19]] (#183)
[1 - 10] (#207)
[1 - 426] (#483)
[47 - 742] (#488)
[1 - ? 684] (#505)
[451 - 807] (#506)
100 Specimens of British Leaf-Fungi (#193)
A Collection of Dried Plants, Named on the Authority of the Linnaean Herbariumand Other Original Collections [1-100] (#91)
A Set of English Agarics Collected and Mounted by Mr. Ch. E. Harkey-Smith [Fasc.1-4] [1-82] (#282)
Abbayes, Lich. Armor. Exs. [81-120] (#540)
Abbayes, Lich. Armor. Exs. [1-80] (#541)
Abbayes, Lich. Gall. Exs. [1-60] (#539)
Abbayes, Lich. Madagascar. Borb. Exs. [1 - 40] (#438)
Allescher & Schnabl, Fungi Bav. [1-700] (#3)
Almborn, Lich. Afr. [1 - 150] (#369)
Anderson, Lich. W. N. Amer. [1 - 25] (#494)
Anonymous, Calif. Fungi [1- ? 1425] (#9)
Anonymous, Fl. Etrusca Exs. [?-?] (#579)
Anonymous, Fl. Hung. Exs. [1 - 1000] (#340)
Anonymous, Fl. Hung. Exs. [1-1000] (#230)
Anonymous, Fungi Cub. Wrightiani [1-] (#248)
Anonymous, Herb. Phytopathol. [1-100] (#161)
Anonymous, Krypt. Exs. [ 1- 100] ; Beck & Zahlbruckner, Krypt. Exs. [101 - 400] [1-400, plus extras] (#38)
Anonymous, Mycoth. Gen. Exs. Rev. Mycol. [1-32] (#575)
Anonymous, Reliqu. Suzaianae [1 - 100] (#519)
Anonymous, Reliqu. Tuckermanianae [1 - 150] (#520)
Anzi, Lich. Etruriae Rar. Exs. [1 - 53] (#401)
Anzi, Lich. Exs. Minus Rari Ital. Super. [1 - 400] (#414)
Anzi, Lich. Prov. Sondr. Novi-Comensi Exs. [1 - 288] (#450)
Anzi, Lich. Rar. Langob. Exs. [1 - 578] (#456)
Anzi, Lich. Rar. Veneti [1 - 175] (#457)
Arnold, Lich. Exs. [737 - 1816] (#405)
Arnold, Lich. Exs. Lich. Jur. [1 - 736] (#419)
Arnold, Lich. Monac. Exs. [1 - 530] (#441)
Asahina, Lich. Japon. Exs. [1 - 300] (#434)
Ascomycetes and Lower Fungi [1-100] (#81)
Ayres, Mycol. Brit. [1-100] (#87)
Baglietto, Cesati & Notaris, Erb. Critt. Ital. Ser. [I-II]. [1-1500] (#105)
Baker, W. Amer. Pl. [1 - 4865] (#532)
Baxter, Stirp. Crypt. Oxon. [1 - 100] (#217)
Beitraege zur Mecklenburgischen Pilzflora [Heft 1-3] [1-157] (#283)
Bermuda Fungi [1-200] (#85)
Billot, Fl. Gall. Germ. Exs. Herb. Schultz [1-1600] (#570)
Bondartsev, Fungi Exs. URSS [1-100] (#259)
Bontea & Constantinescu, Herb. Mycol. Roman. [1751-1850] (#238)
Bornmüller, Pl. Exs. Canar. (#513)
Braun, Fungi Sel. Exs. [1-220] (#566)
Brenckle, Fungi Dakot. [1-675, plus extras] (#2)
Breutel, Fl. Germ. Exs. Crypt. [101 - 500] (#344)
British Fungi [1-350] (#86)
Britton & Rusby, Pl. Boliv. [1 - ?] (#511)
Britzelmayr, Lich. Exs. Fl. Augsb. [1 - 280 ; supplement: 421 - 1012] (#407)
Brodo & Wong, Lich. Canad. Exs. [226 - 250] (#394)
Brodo, Lich. Canad. Exs. [1 - 225] (#393)
Carroll, Lich. Hibern. Exs. [1 - 40] (#430)
Cecidotheca Italica, Raccolte di Gallle Italiane Determienate, Preparate e Illustrate [Fasc. 1-20] [1-500] (#284)
Central American Fungi [1-150, plus extras] (#63)
Champignons des Iles de St. Thome et des Princes [1-62] (#285)
Champignons du Tonkin [1-165] (#286)
Claudel, Claudel & Harmand, Lich. Gall. [1 - 550] (#425)
Constantinescu & Negrean, Herb. Mycol. Roman. [1851-3000] (#239)
Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exs. Ser. I [1-700] (#120)
Cooke, Fungi Brit. Exs. Ser. II [1-700] (#556)
Cretzoiu, Lich. Roman. Exs. [1 - 140] (#458)
Crombie, Lich. Brit. Exs. [1 - 200] (#390)
Cryptogamae Formationum Coloradensium [1-615] (#12)
Cryptogamae Parasiticae in Insula Java Lecte Exsiccattae [1-150] (#93)
Cryptogames de L'empire Colonial Francais, R. Heim [1-20]; Series A [1-20] (#95)
Cryptogames de L'empire Colonial Francais, R. Heim [1-20]; Series B [1-20] (#312)
Cryptogames de L'empire Colonial Francais, R. Heim [1-20]; Series C [1-20] (#313)
Cryptogames Recueillies dans la Provence de Namur par A. Bellynck, de la Compagnie de Jesus [1-200] (#96)
Cryptogamic Herbarium (#273)
Cryptogams Distributed by the Farlow Herbarium of Harvard University. Reliquiae Farlowianae. [1-1000] (#98)
Cummings & Seymour, Dec. N. Amer. Lich. [1 - 150] (#332)
Cummings, Williams & Seymour, Dec. N. Amer. Lich. [151 - 360] (#333)
Cummings, Williams & Seymour: Lich. Bor.-Amer. [1-280] (#318)
Czarnota & Kukwa, Lich. Polon. Exs. [51 - 75] (#448)
Decades Fungorum Brasiliensium [1-300] (#69)
Desmazières, Pl. Crypt. France, Ed. 2, Ser. 2 [1-800] (#538)
Deutschlands Schwaemme in Getrockneten Exemplaren [1-225] (#102)
Dietrich, Plant. Fl. Balt. Crypt. [1-[900]] (#573)
Dr. Phil Wirtgen: Herbarium Plantae Criticae, Selectae, Hybridae Florae Rhenanae [1-100] (#103)
Economic Fungi [1-550, plus extras] (#60)
Ehrhart, Phytophyl. Ehrh. [1 - 100] (#509)
Elenkin, Lich. Fl. Ross. [1 - 200] (#422)
Elix, Lich. Australas. Exs. [1 - 250] (#380)
Ellis & Everhart, Fungi Columb. [1 - 1400] (#536)
Ellis & Everhart, N. Amer. Fungi. Ser. II [1501-3600, plus extras] (#16)
Ellis, N. Amer. Fungi [1 - 1500, plus extras] (#5)
Elvellacei Britannici Exsiccati [1-201] (#104)
Eumycetes Selecti Exsiccati [1-800] (#79)
Exsiccata Hypodermearum Galliae Orientalis [1-50] (#107)
Farkas, Lich. Del. Exs. [1 - 60] (#400)
Fałtynowicz & Kukwa, Lich. Polon. Exs. [26 - 50] (#447)
Fałtynowicz & Miądlikowska, Lich. Polon. Exs. [1 - 25] (#446)
Feige & Lumbsch, Umbilicariaceae Exs. [1 - 113] (#530)
Fellman, Lich. Arct. Coll. [1 - 224] (#379)
Filson, Lich. Antarct. Exs. [1 - ? 24] (#377)
Flagey, Lich. Alger. [1 - 307] (#370)
Floerke, Clad. Exs. [1-60] (#577)
Floerke, Deutsche Lich. [1 - 60] (#335)
Floerke, Deutsche Lich. [61 - 200] (#336)
Flora Bavarica (#287)
Flora Domingensis [1-19] (#58)
Flora Lusitanica Exsiccata [1-1900] (#111)
Flora Olteniae Exsiccata a Horto Botanic Instituti Agronomici 'Tudor Vladimirescu' Craiovensis Edita [101-200; 5001-600; 801-900] (#112)
Flora Romaniae Exsiccata [1-2500] (#113)
Flora Schemnitziensis or Fungi Schemnitziensis (#114)
Flotow, Lich. Exs. [1 - ? 448] (#403)
Follmann, Lich. Exs. Sel. Berol. [1 - 80] (#416)
Follmann, Lich. Exs. Sel. Cassel. [81 - 380] (#417)
Follmann, Lich. Exs. Sel. Colon. [381 - 420] (#418)
Fries, Lich. Exs. Suec. [61 - 120] (#502)
Fries, Lich. Exs. Suec. [181 - 270] (#503)
Fries, Lich. Exs. Suec. [361 - 390] (#504)
Fries, Lich. Suec. Exs. [1 - 60] (#467)
Fries, Lich. Svec. Exs. [1 - 60] (#501)
Fries, Scleromyc. Suec. [1-340] (#214)
Fries, T., Lich. Exs. Suec. [331 - 360] (#500)
Fries, T., Lich. Scand. Rar. Critic. Exs. [1 - 75] (#499)
Fritsch, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [2801-3600] (#267)
Fuckel, Enum. Fung. Nass. (#260)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Bes. Fichtelgeb. Ed. II [166-865] (#97)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Fichtelgeb. [1-125] (#320)
Funck, Crypt. Gew. Fichtelgeb. And. Geg. Ed. II [126-165] (#578)
Funghi Parassiti Delle Piante Coltivate Od Utili, Essiccati, Delineati E Descritti [1-475] (#7)
Fungi Albanici et Bosniaci Exsiccati [1-200] (#116)
Fungi Americani Exsiccati [1-800, plu extras] (#53)
Fungi Austro-Americani Exsiccati [1-360] (#117)
Fungi Bialowiezenses Exsiccati [1-200] (#118)
Fungi Brittannici [1-200] (#119)
Fungi Caroliniani Exsiccati [1-100 (within each of 5 Fascicles)] (#52)
Fungi Carpatici Lignicoli Exsiccati [1-265] (#121)
Fungi Columbiani [1501-5100, plus extras] (#19)
Fungi Eichleriani [1-300] (#122)
Fungi Estonici Exsiccati [1-150] (#123)
Fungi Exotici Exsiccati [1-1250] (#32)
Fungi Exsiccati Fennici [1-1000] (#124)
Fungi Exsiccati Praesertim Scandinavici [1-200] (#125)
Fungi Exsiccati Suecici Praesertini Upsalienses [1-2800] (#126)
Fungi Fenniae Exsiccati [1-1000] (#127)
Fungi Fimicoli Exsiccati [1-50] (#128)
Fungi Guaranitici (#288)
Fungi Hungarici Exsiccati [1-500] (#129)
Fungi Imperfecti Exsiccati [1-900] (#33)
Fungi in Itinere Costaricensis Collecti (#235)
Fungi Latvici Exsiccati [1-950] (#131)
Fungi Longobardiae Exsiccati Sive Mycetum Specimina in Longobardia Collecta, et Speciebus Novis Vel Criticis, Iconibus Illustrata [1-350] (#132)
Fungi Lusitanici a Cl. Moller Lecti. Contributiones ad Floram Mycologicam Lusitaniae [Fasc. 1] [1-78] (#290)
Fungi Malayana [1-600] (#133)
Fungi Nebraskenses (#279)
Fungi Neerlandici Exsiccati [1-300] (#134)
Fungi Nova-Caesareenses [1-100] (#15)
Fungi of China (#274)
Fungi of Florida [1-100] (#28)
Fungi of Mexico (#291)
Fungi of Russia (#275)
Fungi Parasitici Fennici Saluti Hominis Nuxii Exsiccati [1-12] (#136)
Fungi Parasitici Scandinavici Exsiccati [1-500] (#137)
Fungi Polonici Exsiccati [1-650] (#292)
Fungi Polonici Selecti Exsiccati [1-20] (#138)
Fungi Rhenani Exsiccati a Leopoldo Fuckel Collecti [1-2700] (#139)
Fungi Rossiae Exsiccati [1-350] (#140)
Fungi Rossici Exsiccati [1-700] (#141)
Fungi Saxonici Exsiccati [1-2500] (#142)
Fungi Selecti Exsiccati (#293)
Fungi Selecti Exsiccati (Jaap) [1-959] (#143)
Fungi Selecti Exsiccati (Kunze) [1-400; 501-600] (#144)
Fungi Selecti Exsiccati (Torrend) [1-300, plus extras] (#73)
Fungi Selecti Exsiccati Europaei [1-200] (#145)
Fungi Selecti Gallici Exsiccati [1-7400] (#57)
Fungi Selecti Guatemalenses Exsiccati [1-20] (#35)
Fungi Tirolenses Exsiccati [1-225] (#147)
Fungi Utahensis [1-250] (#21)
Fungi Washingtonae [1-175] (#23)
Fungi Wisconsinenses Exsiccati [1-170] (#14)
Fusaria Autographice Delineata [1-1200] (#83)
Fusaria Culta et Fusaria Culta Excludenda [1-100] (#82)
German Uredineae [7570-7675; 7759-7795; 8944-9067] (#295)
Graminicolous Smuts of North America [1-300] (#20)
Gribnya Bolezni Culturnikh I Dikorastuyushikh Poleznikh Rastenii [1-50] (#150)
Griby Rossii Herbarii. Paraziti Culturnikh Rastenii [1-250] (#151)
Hafellner, Lichenicolous Biota [1 - 250] (#471)
Hakulinen, Lichenoth. Fenn. [751 - 1300] (#477)
Hale, Lich. Amer. Exs. [1 - 250] (#376)
Hammer, Clad. Amer. Exs. [1 - 222] (#325)
Hansen & Christensen, Lich. Dan. Exs. [1 - 555] (#398)
Hansen, Lich. Groenl. Exs. [1 - 1024] (#427)
Harmand & Hue, Lich. Lothar. [1 - ? 1418] (#431)
Harmand, Claudel & Claudel, Guide Elem. Lichenol. [1-120 [122]] (#545)
Harmand, Lich. Gall. Rar. Exs. [1 - 175] (#426)
Havaas, Lich. Exs. Norveg. [1 - 725] (#415)
Havaas, Lich. Norveg. Occid. Exs. [1 - 300] (#445)
Hellbom, Unio Itin. Crypt. (#257)
Heller, Calif. Pl. [4997 [1]-6055 [644]] (#546)
Heller, Pl. Hawaii Isl. [?-?] (#572)
Heller, Pl. Porto Rico [? - ?] (#231)
Henssen, Lich. Cyanoph. [1 - 25] (#396)
Henssen, Lich. Cyanoph. Fungi Saxic. Exs. [26 - ? 75] (#397)
Hepp, Flechten Eur. [1 - 716] (#337)
Herbar Posener Pilze [1-100] (#153)
Herbarium Brasiliensis (#296)
Herbarium Crypogamicum Rossicum, Sectio Quarto: Fungi [1-50] (#155)
Herbarium Crypt. Ind. Orient. 'Series'? Indian (Melampsoraceae & Pucciniaceae) [1 - 32] [1-32] (#547)
Herbarium Mycologicum Typicum [201] (#157)
Herbarium Nordddeutsche Pflanzen fuer Angehende Lehrer. Pharmaceuten und Alle Freunde der Botanik [1-346] (#158)
Herbarium Normale. Nov. Ser. Herbier des Plantes Nouvelles Pue Connues et Rare d'Europe Principalement de France et d'Allemagne Publie par F. Schultz (#159)
Herbarium Schlesischer Pilze [1-950] (#162)
Herbarium van Nederlandsche Planten. Herbarium Nederlandsche Planten Door [1-1350] (#163)
Hertel, Lecideaceae Exs. [1 - 380] (#368)
Hertel, Lich. Alp. [261 - 400] (#371)
Herter, Plantae Urug. Exs. [1-2700, plus extras] (#25)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Chil. [1 - 3016] (#512)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Ins. Maclov. [1 - ? 90] (#510)
Hohenacker, Lechler Pl. Magellan. (#367)
Holl, Pl. Mader. [? - ?] (#582)
Hongos Sud-Americanos: Decades Mycologiae Argentinae [1-50] (#65)
Howe, Lich. Nov. Angl. [1 - 70] (#317)
Husnot, Pl. Antill. [1 - ? 442] (#518)
I Funghi Parassiti Delle Piante Coltivate od Utili Essiccati, Delineati e Descritti [1-475] (#166)
I Miceti Patogeni Dilluomo e Degli Animali [1-100] (#167)
Indiana Flora, Parasitic Fungi [1-100] (#75)
John, Lich. Anatol. Exs. [1 - 225] (#484)
Jones, Fl. Colorado [-] (#345)
Kalb & Aptroot, Lich. Neotrop. [628 - 650] (#443)
Kalb, Lich. Neotrop. [1 - 627] (#442)
Kansas Fungi [Kellerman & Swingle] [1-50, plus extras] (#36)
Kansas Fungi [Roberts] [1-100] (#56)
Kashiwadani, Lich. Minus Cogn. Exs. [1 - 375] (#439)
Kavina & Hilitzer, Crypt. Čechoslov. Exs. [1-300] (#92)
Keissler, Krypt. Exs. [2601 - 3200] (#40)
Kerner von Marilaun, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [1-2800] (#266)
Koerber, Lich. Sel. Germ. [1 - 420] (#463)
Köfaragó-Gyelnik, Lichenoth. Parva [1 - 40] (#481)
Korf & Dirig, Discomyc. Exs. [102-?] (#549)
Korf & Gruff, Discomyc. Exs. [26-101] (#548)
Korf, Discomyc. Exs. [1-25] (#37)
Kotschy, Iter Cilic. [1-?] (#580)
Kozioł, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1276 - 1350] (#341)
Kozioł, Fl. Siles. Exs. [1451 - 1475] (#342)
Krieger, Schädl. Pilze Kulturgew. [1-250] (#212)
Kryptogamen Badens [1-1000] (#171)
Kurokawa & Kashiwadani, Lich. Rar. Crit. Exs. [301 - 700] (#452)
Kurokawa, Lich. Rar. Crit. Exs. [1 - 300] (#451)
Leighton, Lich. Brit. Exs. [72 - 410] (#581)
Leighton, Lich. Brit. Exs. [1 - 71] (#391)
Lendemer, Lich. East. N. Amer. Exs. [1 - 250] (#492)
Lendemer, Lich. East. N. Amer. Exs. [251 - 482] (#493)
Les Champignons Figures et Dessechses [1-100] (#90)
Lindtner, Herb. Mycol. Ustil. [1-71] (#263)
Litschauer & Lohwag, Fungi Austr. Exs. [1-?] (#568)
Lojka, Lichenoth. Reg. Hung. Exs. [1 - 200] (#479)
Lojka, Lichenoth. Univ. [1 - 248] (#480)
Lücking, Lich. Foliicoli Exs. [1 - 250] (#423)
Lücking, Lich. Foliicoli Exs. [1 - 250] (#490)
Lumbsch & Feige, Lecanoroid Lich. [1 - 100] (#366)
Lundell & Nannfeldt, Fungi Exs. Suec. [1-3800] (#245)
Macoun, Canad. Lich. [1 - ? 300] (#322)
Magnusson, Lich. Sel. Scand. Exs. [1 - 425] (#464)
Malbranche, Lich. Norm. [1 - 400] (#489)
Malme, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [1 - 325] (#383)
Malme, Lich. Suec. Exs. [1 - 1000] (#469)
Massalongo, Lich. Ital. Exs. [1 - 360] (#433)
Mattsson, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [476 - 550] (#385)
Mecklenbergische Kryptogamen [1-300] (#172)
Mereschkovsky, Lich. Ross. Exs. [1 - 75] (#459)
Merrill, Lich. Exs. Ser. I [1 - 275] (#42)
Merrill, Lich. Exs. Ser. II [1 - 150] (#420)
Micro-Fungi Britannici [1-600] (#173)
Micro-Fungi Exotici [1-40] (#174)
Micromycetes Rariores Selecti [1-1800, plus extras] (#77)
Migula, Krypt. Germ., Austr. Helv. Exs. [Flechten] [1 - 350] (#365)
Migula, Krypt. Germ., Austr. Helv. Exs. [Pilze] [1-425] (#169)
Minkyavichyus [Minkevičius] , Fl. Lituana Exs., Fungi Paras. [1-20] (#110)
Moberg, Lich. Sel. Exs. Upsal. [1 - 450] (#462)
Morozova & Popov, Mycoth. Petropol. [21-120] (#255)
Morozova, Mycoth. Petropol. [1-20] (#254)
Morse & Ladd, Lich. Exs. Magnicamp. [1 - 50] (#412)
Mougeot & Nestler, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1 - 1100] (#525)
Mougeot, Mougeot, Nestler & Schimper, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1401 - 1500] (#527)
Mougeot, Nestler & Schimper, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1101 - 1400] (#526)
Mudd, Monogr. Brit. Clad. [1-80] (#553)
Müller, Flechten Eur. [717 - 962] (#338)
Müller, Graphideae Cub. [1 - ? 350] (#347)
Müller, Krypt. Sachs. (#315)
Müller, Verr. Cub. [1 - ?] (#531)
Mycobiota of North America [1-450] (#13)
Mycoflora Domingensis Exsiccata [1-425, plus extras] (#11)
Mycologia Britannica [1-100] (#175)
Mycologia Nicaeensis [1-69] (#300)
Mycological Exchange of 1921 [1-947] (#45)
Mycotheca Boreali-Africana [1-400] (#176)
Mycotheca Estonica [1-75] (#179)
Mycotheca Fennica [1-900] (#180)
Mycotheca Generalis [1-2100] (#46)
Mycotheca Germanica [1-3000] (#182)
Mycotheca Marchica [1-4900] (#184)
Mycotheca Polonica [1-200] (#185)
Mycotheca Rossica Sive Fungorum Rossiae et Regionum Confinum Asiae Specimina Exsiccaa (#186)
Mycotheca Veneta, Sistens Fungos Venetos Exsiccatos [1-1600] (#187)
Myriangiales Selecti Exsiccati [1-550] (#31)
Myxogastres Fennici Exsiccati [1-20] (#189)
Myxomycetes de Roumanie [1-30; 1-90; 1-126; 1-96] (#190)
Myxomycetes Exsiccati [1-200] (#191)
Nádvorník, Physc. Exs. [1 - 33] (#508)
Nash, Lich. Exs. Arizona State Univ. [1 - 400] (#406)
Neger, Forstschädl. Pilze [1-175] (#115)
Neger, Ured. Austro-Amer. [1a-50a] (#258)
Negrean, Herb. Mycol. Roman. [3001-3150] (#240)
Nelson, Pl. Idaho. Rocky Mount. Herb. [1-?] (#552)
Nevodovskii, Griby SSSR [1-75] (#152)
New York Fungi [1-400] (#62)
Norrlin, Herb. Lich. Fenn. [1 - 450] (#356)
North American Myxomycetes [1-100] (#78)
North American Uredinales [1-3500] (#6)
North Dakota Fungi [1-60] (#59)
Novitates Brasilienses [1-15] (#302)
Nowak, Lich. Polon. Merid. Exs. [1 - 250] (#449)
Nylander, Herb. Lich. Paris. [1 - 150] (#348)
Obermayer, Dupla Graec. Lich. [1 - 1190] (#339)
Obermayer, Lichenoth. Graec. [1 - 480] (#472)
Odelvik & Tehler, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [551 - 600] (#386)
Ohio Fungi [1-200] (#34)
Ohmura, Lich. Minus Cogn. Exs. [376 - 575] (#440)
Olivier, Herb. Lich. Orne Calv. [1 - 450] (#357)
Opiz, Fl. Crypt. Boëmiae [1-200] (#109)
Pacific Slope Fungi (#232)
Parasit-Svampar Pa Lefvande, I Findland Odlade Vaxter [1-60] (#197)
Parasitsvampar Finska Kulturvaxter [1-49] (#194)
Parasitsvampar Pa Finska Skogstrod [1-43] (#195)
Parasitsvampar Pa Lefvande, I Finland Odlade Vaxter [1-10] (#196)
Parmasto, Cortic. URSS [1-400] (#550)
Passauer, Crypt. Exs. [4701 - 5000] (#361)
Pennsylvania State Fungus Herbarium (#276)
Petrak, Crypt. Exs. [3201- 4700] (#41)
Petrak, Fl. Bohem. Morav. Exs. Pilze [1-2575] (#108)
Petrak, Mycoth. Carp. [1-475] (#178)
Phycomyceten und Protomyceten [1-350] (#198)
Pišút, Lich. Slovak. Exs. [1 - 300] (#466)
Plantae Cryptogamicae [1-200] (#203)
Plantae Cryptogamicae, Quas in Arduenna Collegit [1-400] (#202)
Plantae Crytogamae Linnaeae [1-320] (#200)
Plantae Lindheimerianae, Fascicle IV [575-754] (#311)
Plantae Surinamensis (#27)
Plantes Cryptogames du Nord de la France [1-2200; 1-1850; 1-800] (#206)
Plantes du Paraguay (#272)
Plants from the Rocky Mountain Herbarium [19-9654] (#44)
Plants of Central America (#305)
Plants of Florida [1-2600] (#43)
Plants of Iowa, Cryptogams (#277)
Plants of Nantucket County, Massachusetts [1-300] (#24)
Plants of Southern Colorado [?] (#280)
Plitt, Lich. Exs. Herb. Hasse Rel. [1 - 250] (#411)
Poelt & Scheuer, Reliqu. Petrak. [1-2859] (#264)
Poelt & Steiner, Lich. Alp. [161 - 260] (#373)
Poelt, Lich. Alp. [1 - 160] (#372)
Poelt, Pl. Graec. Fungi [1-790] (#565)
Poelt, Pl. Graec. Lich. [1 - 560] (#514)
Pringle, Pl. Mexic. (#516)
Purpus, Pl. Mexic. [1 - ?] (#515)
Rabenhorst, Clad. Eur. [1 - 260] (#326)
Rabenhorst, Clad. Eur. Exs. Suppl. I [1 - 56] (#331)
Rabenhorst, Crypt.-Samml. Schule [1-500] (#555)
Rabenhorst, Fungi Eur. Exs. [1-2600] (#236)
Rabenhorst, Herb. mycologicum. Ed. I. (#310)
Rabenhorst, Herb. mycologicum. Ed. II. (#309)
Rabenhorst, Klotzschii Herb. Viv. Mycol. Ed. I [201-2000] (#270)
Rabenhorst, Klotzschii Herb. Viv. Mycol. Ed. II [1-800] (#269)
Rabenhorst, Lich. Eur. Exs. [1 - 974] (#402)
Rabenhorst-Pazschke, Fungi Europaei Et Extraeuropaei [3601-4500] (#51)
Rabenhorst-Winter, Fungi Europaei [2601-3600, plus extras] (#50)
Räsänen, Lich. Fenn. Exs. [1 - 1000] (#421)
Räsänen, Lichenoth. Fenn. [1 - 750] (#476)
Rehm & Arnold, Clad. Exs. [151 - 440] (#328)
Rehm, Ascomyc. [1-2175, plus extras] (#54)
Rehm, Clad. Exs. [1 - 150] (#327)
Reichenbach & Breutel, Fl. Germ. Exs. Crypt. [1 - 100] (#343)
Reichenbach & Schubert, Lich. Exs. [1 - 25] (#408)
Reichenbach & Schubert, Lich. Exs. [26 - 150] (#409)
Relique Holwayanae [1-700] (#208)
Reliquiae Bethelianae (#278)
Reliquiae Holwayanae [1-700] (#26)
Reliquiae Suksdorfiana. Fungi Collected by Wilhelm N. Suksdorf, 1882-1927. Century I. [1-98, plus extras] (#61)
Rogerson, Smith & Haines, Fungi Bor.-Amer. Exs. [1-] (#247)
Roumeguère, Lich. Gall. Exs. [1 - 600] (#424)
Roumeguère, Stirp. Crypt. Vog.-Rhen. [1501 - 1600] (#528)
Russulae Exsiccatae [1-68a] (#210)
Rust Fungi of Japan [1-901] (#303)
Sammlung Prapparierter Hutpilze [1-135] (#211)
Sampaio, Lich. Port. [1 - 300] (#399)
Sandstede, Clad. Exs. [1 - 1886] (#329)
Santesson, Fungi Lichenicoli Exs. [1 - 400] (#346)
Santesson, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [326 - 475] (#384)
Savicz, Lichenoth. Ross. [1 - 180] (#474)
Săvulescu, Herb. Mycol. Roman. [1-1750] (#241)
Schaerer, Lich. Helv. Exs. Ed. I [1 - 650] (#428)
Schaerer, Lich. Helv. Exs. Ed. II [1 - 250] (#429)
Scheuer & Poelt, Mycoth. Graec. [1-140] (#564)
Scheuer, Dupla Fung. (#316)
Scheuer, Dupla Fung. Suppl. [1-330] (#281)
Scheuer, Dupla Graec. Fung. [1-450] (#261)
Scheuer, Mycoth. Graec. [141-500] (#563)
Scheuer, Reliqu. Petrak. [2860-2930] (#265)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Pr. [1 - more than 400] (#522)
Schimper, Iter Abyssin. Sect. Sec. [? - more than 1400] (#523)
Schleicher, Pl. Crypt. Helv. [1-500] (#201)
Schroeter, Pilze Schles. [1-650] (#199)
Sherwood, Phacidiales Exs. [1-] (#256)
Simmer, Crypt. Kreuzeckgeb. [1-[400]] (#571)
Sipman, Lichenoth. Latinoamer. [1 - 150] (#473)
Skogens Skadesvampar [1-50] (#215)
Small, Lich. East. N. Amer. [1 - 38] (#491)
Šmarda, Crypt. Cechoslov. Exs. [1-350] (#574)
Solheim & Cummings, Mycofl. Saximont. Exs., Cent. 13 [1201-1300] (#559)
Solheim & Cummings, Mycofl. Saximont. Exs., Cent. 8-11 [701-1100] (#557)
Solheim, Mycofl. Saximont. Exs., Cent. 1-7 [1-700] (#64)
Solheim, Mycofl. Saximont. Exs., Cent. 12 [1101-1200] (#558)
Solheim, Mycofl. Saximont. Exs., Cent. 14-17 [1301-1700] (#560)
Sommerfelt, Pl. Crypt. Norveg. [1 - 200] (#205)
South, S. Pacific Pl. 1st Ser. Algae [[1] "1821" - [84] "2043"] (#583)
Spegazzini, Dec. Mycol. Ital. [1-120] (#101)
Sphaeriacei Britannici [1-300] (#216)
St. Clair, Knight, Ririe & Kitchen, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [76 - 100] (#497)
St. Clair, Knight, Ririe & Newberry, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [51 - 75] (#496)
St. Clair, Ririe & Knight, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [101 - 150] (#498)
St. Clair, Ririe & Newberry, Anderson & Shushan Lich. W. N. Amer. [26 - 50] (#495)
Steiner & Poelt, Lichenoth. Afgh. [1 - 78] (#475)
Stenhammar, Lich. Suec. Exs. [1 - 240] (#468)
Stevens, Lich. Austral. [1 - 26] (#381)
Suza, Lich. Bohemoslov. Exs. [211-300] (#562)
Suza, Lich. Bohemoslov. Exs. [1 - 210] (#387)
Sveriges Pharmaceutiska Vaxter Med Pharmakologiska Upplysningar [1-740] (#219)
Svrček, Fungi Sel. Exs. [1-100] (#249)
Tavares, Lich. Lusit. Sel. Exs. [1 - 250] (#437)
Tehler & Odelvik, Lich. Austroamer. Herb. Regnelliano [601 - 700] (#382)
The Lactariae of North America [1-50] (#8)
Thomson, Lich. Arct. [1 - 90] (#378)
Thomson, Lich. Wiscon. Exs. [1 - 96] (#470)
Thümen, Fungi Austr. Exs. [1201-1300] (#569)
Thümen, Fungi Austr. Exs. [1-1200] (#84)
Thøgersen, Lich. Norveg. Medit. Exs. [1 - 50] (#444)
Tibell, Calic. Exs. [1-250] (#576)
Tobolewski & Glanc, Lichenoth. Polon. [201 - 225] (#534)
Tobolewski, Lichenoth. Polon. [1 - 200] (#533)
Tobolewski, Lichenoth. Polon. [226 - 250] (#535)
Tracy, Pl. Gulf States [1-9000+] (#234)
Triebel, Microf. Exs. [1 - 700] (#253)
Tuckerman, Caroli Wright Lich. Ins. Cubae [1 - 246] (#486)
Tuckerman, Lich. Amer. Sept. Exs. [1 - 50] (#374)
Tuckerman, Lich. Amer. Sept. Exs. [51 - 150] (#375)
Tønsberg, Lich. Isid. Sored. Crust. Exs. [1 - 50] (#432)
Ule, Mycoth. Brasil. [1-100, plus Appendix] (#74)
Underwood & Cook, Cent. Illustr. Fungi [1-100] (#89)
Underwood & Cook, Hepat. Amer. [1-200] (#233)
Uredineae Americanae Exsiccatae [1-50] (#10)
Uredineae Exsiccatae et Icones [1-60] (#4)
Uredineen [1-2850, plus supplements] (#66)
Uredineen Sueddeutschlands [1-400] (#223)
Ustilaginales [1-250] (#224)
Ustilaginales Poloniae Exsiccati [1-75] (#225)
Ustilagineen [1-500] (#67)
Ustilagineen Europas [1-140] (#226)
Vampola, Polypor. Exs. Čech. [1-200] (#262)
Vasudeva, Herb. Crypt. Ind. Orient. Cercosporae [1-150] (#154)
Vasudeva, Herb. Crypt. Ind. Orient. Synchytria [1-50] (#542)
Vasudeva, Herb. Crypt. Ind. Orient. Ured. [1-150] (#543)
Vasudeva, Herb. Crypt. Ind. Orient. Ustil. [1-50] (#544)
Vegetabilia Cellularia in Germania Septentrionali Praesertim in Hercynia et in Agro Goettingensi (#227)
Verseghy, Lichenoth. Parva [41 - 130] (#482)
Vězda, Lich. Bohemoslov. Exs. [1 - 300] (#388)
Vězda, Lich. Rar. Exs. [1 - 500] (#455)
Vězda, Lich. Sel. Exs. [1 - 200] (#460)
Vězda, Lich. Sel. Exs. [201 - 2500] (#461)
Vill, Fungi Bav. [701-1000] (#567)
Vondrák, Sel. Exs. Caloplaca [1 - 75] (#524)
Wagner, Crypt.-Herb. Ser. II [1-[100]] (#94)
Wainio, Lich. Brasil. Exs. [1 - ? 600] (#389)
Wartmann & Schenk, Schweiz. Krypt. [1-700] (#561)
Wartmann & Winter, Schweiz. Krypt. [701-900] (#213)
Weber, Lich. Exs. [1 - ? 700] (#410)
Wei, Lich. Sin. Exs. [1 - ? 50] (#465)
Weigelt & Kunze, Surinam (#584)
Weiss, Herb. Pathol [1-200] (#160)
Welwitsch, Cryptoth. Lusit. [1- ? 125] (#99)
West American Fungi [1-400, plus extras] (#22)
Westendorp & Wallays, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [351-1400] (#252)
Westendorp, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [1-250] (#250)
Westendorp, Herb. Crypt. Belg. [251-350] (#251)
Westerfaelische Pilze in Getrockneten Exemplaren [1-200] (#228)
Wetmore, Lich. Exs. Min. [1 - 225] (#413)
Wetmore, Teloschist. Exs. [1 - 118] (#529)
Wettstein, Fl. Exs. Austro-Hung. [3601-4000] (#268)
Winter, Fungi Helv. Exs. [1-200] (#289)
Winter, Fungi Helv. Exs. [1-200] (#314)
Wong & Brodo, Lich. Canad. Exs. [251 - 295] (#395)
Yoshimura, Lich. Japon. Exs., Ser. 1 [1 - 25] (#435)
Yoshimura, Lich. Japon. Exs., Ser. 2 [26 - 50] (#436)
Zahlbruckner & Redinger, Lich. Rar. Exs. [289 - 385] (#454)
Zahlbruckner, Krypt. Exs. [401-2600, plus extras] (#39)
Zahlbruckner, Lich. Rar. Exs. [1 - 288] (#453)
Zhukovoi, Griby SSSR [76-175] (#554)
Zwackh-Holzhausen, Lich. Exs. [1 - 1177 (1211?)] (#404)
Add Exsiccata Number
Exsiccata Number:
#1 -
Marssonina rosae
, W. N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1927-08-02
#4 -
Apiosporina collinsii
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1886-08-13
#5 -
Ascochyta achlyicola
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1903-07-08
#6 -
Ascochyta vulgaris var. symphoricarpi
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1926-09-06
#8 -
Claviceps purpurea
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1894-08-19
#9 -
Coleosporium madiae
, W. N. Suksdorf (594) 1900-07-10
#10 -
Coleosporium asterum
, W. N. Suksdorf (274) 1886-08-08
#13 -
Cylindrosporium smilacinae
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1900-07-13
#14 -
Cylindrosporium veratrinum
, W.N. Suksdorf (193) 1885-08-07
#15 -
Dacrymyces abietinus
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1894-09-25
#16 -
Didymium squamulosum
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1894-04-30
#17 -
Erysiphe communis
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1885-09-19
#18 -
Erysiphe hydrophyllacearum
, W. N. Suksdorf (441) 1894-06-06
#19 -
Erysiphe cichoracearum
, W. N. Suksdorf (265) 1886-07-20
#20 -
Erysiphe polygoni
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (187) 1883-06-20
#21 -
Erysiphe polygoni
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (181) 1885-08-22
#23 -
Exobasidium vaccinii
, W. N. Suksdorf (WS-PP 27433) 1895-07-27
#27 -
Hyalopsora polypodii
, W. N. Suksdorf (974) 1904-05-12
#28 -
Leptosphaeria hysterioides
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1883-09-19
#30 -
Lophodermium arundinaceum
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (606) 1902-10-03
#32 -
Melampsorella cerastii
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1900-07-17
#34 -
Phragmidium rubi-idaei
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1894-10-05
#35 -
Phragmidium montivagum
, W. N. Suksdorf (1156) 1926-09-06
#36 -
Phyllachora wittrockii
, W. N. Suksdorf (419) 1894-06-21
#37 -
Phyllactinia guttata
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (494) 1894-11-02
#39 -
Phyllosticta eriogoni
, W.N. Suksdorf (1137) 1926-06-02
#40 -
Phyllosticta globigera
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1901-09-25
#41 -
Phyllosticta heucherae
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1884-07-03
#42 -
Phyllosticta hosackiae
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1884-09-11
#43 -
Phyllosticta nigrescens
, W. N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1901-09-20
#44 -
Phyllosticta viridis
, W. Suksdorf (1152) 1926-09-02
#46 -
Pleospora gigaspora
, W. N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1883-06-26
#48 -
Puccinia tanaceti
, W. N. Suksdorf (791) 1902-06-28
#49 -
Puccinia atrofusca
, W. N. Suksdorf (1135) 1926-06-02
#50 -
Puccinia bistortae
, W. N. Suksdorf (247) 1886-06-26
#51 -
Puccinia blasdalei
, W. N. Suksdorf (1112) 1926-04-02
#54 -
Puccinia circaeae
, W.N. Suksdorf (1066) 1884-08-02
#55 -
Puccinia comandrae
, W. N. Suksdorf (1130) 1926-06-02
#56 -
Puccinia heucherae
, W. N. Suksdorf (1145) 1926-07-09
#58 -
Puccinia hieracii
, W. N. Suksdorf (1139) 1926-06-10
#59 -
Puccinia hieracii
, W. N. Suksdorf (1075) 1894-06-06
#60 -
Puccinia jonesii
, W. N. Suksdorf (1136) 1926-06-06
#62 -
Puccinia menthae
, W. N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1885-07-31
#63 -
Puccinia nuda
, W. N. Suksdorf (1138) 1926-06-03
#64 -
Cintractia caricis
#67 -
Puccinia pimpinellae
, W. N. Suksdorf (1121) 1926-05-19
#68 -
Puccinia pimpinellae
, W. N. Suksdorf (1092) 1903-08-04
#69 -
Puccinia plumbaria
, W. N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1909-04-24
#71 -
Puccinia pulsatillae
, W. N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1906-07-27
#78 -
Puccinia symphoricarpi
, W. N. Suksdorf (1168) 1927-07-12
#80 -
Ramularia macrospora var. asteris
, W. N. Suksdorf (WS-PP 28156) 1900-07-15
#81 -
Ramularia synthyridis
, W.N. Suksdorf (1151) 1926-09-02
#82 -
Rhytisma punctatum
, W. N. Suksdorf (1126) 1926-09-06
#83 -
Septogloeum oxysporum
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1903-08-06
#86 -
Sphaerotheca macularis
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1894-07-06
#87 -
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1886-08-30
#88 -
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (417) 1894-09-17
#89 -
Uncinula salicis
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1894-05-12
#90 -
Uredinopsis macrosperma
, Suksdorf, Wilhelm Nikolaus (s.n.) 1907-08-03
#91 -
Uromyces coloradensis
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1926-05-23
#94 -
Uromyces lupini
, Wilhelm N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1926-06-26
#95 -
Uromyces probus
, W. N. Suksdorf (1117) 1926-04-20
#136 -
Galeropsis polytrichoides
#144 -
Phragmidium ivesiae
#185 -
#227 -
Cercosporidium angelicae
, W. N. Suksdorf (s.n.) 1885-09-19