Iowa State University, Ada Hayden Herbarium (ISC)

Charles Bessey, the founder of the Ada Hayden Herbarium, and his student J. C. Arthur added the earliest fungal specimens to the herbarium's holdings. L. H. Pammel and his students, including George W. Carver, continued to build the mycological collection. Irving E. Melhus was hired as Iowa State's first plant pathologist, and Joseph C. Gilman soon joined Melhus as a mycologist and plant pathologist. Lois H. Tiffany succeeded Drs. Melhus and Gilman as ISC’s mycologist. The prestigious University of Iowa Mycological Herbarium was transferred to ISC in 1984. This collection contains the specimens of George Martin, Thomas H. Macbride, and A. P. Morgan, and is rich in type specimens. Currently the mycological collection contains an estimated 56,000 packeted and boxed specimens.
Contacts: Deborah Lewis,
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: f25dc2ec-d71d-4014-abb2-c3b64af25d79
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Iowa State University
Ada Hayden Herbarium
Iowa State University
EEOB Department
342 Bessey
Ames, IA   50011-4009
Collection Statistics
  • 61,263 specimen records
  • 39,656 (65%) georeferenced
  • 48,467 (79%) with images (81,951 total images)
  • 1 GenBank genetic references
  • 54,778 (89%) identified to species
  • 361 families
  • 2,019 genera
  • 13,111 species
  • 13,395 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics