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Ammirati, Joe
Armstrong, Emma
Asencio, Shannon
Ashiglar, Sara
Atkinson, George F.
Baginski, Alex
Bakken, Kelsey
Baldree, Rhianna
Banks, Madeline
Barkworth, Mary
Baroni, Timothy
Bates, Scott T.
Bazzicalupo, Anna
Begley, Hannah
Bessette, A.
Betsch, Brody
Bigelow, Howard
Bigelow, Thomas
Birkebak, Joshua
Bojantchev, Dimitar
Bordelon, Ashley
Boumediene, Zackariah
Bowerman, Linda
Bruns, Thomas
Bryan, Corbin
Buczynski, Rebekah
Burns, Meghanne
Cadwell, Suzanne
Caiafa Sepulveda, Marcos Vinicius
Case, Alexis
castellano, michael
Chandler, Eric
Chapman, Robert
Chesney, Thea
Clements, Teresa
Cliver, Carlene
Cochran, Taylor
Cohen, Joseph
Contributors, Miscellaneous
corp, jay
Cotter, Henry Van
Crane, Joseph Leeland
Cui, Yunluan
Decker, Marian
Dentinger, Bryn
DeShazer, Darvin
Desjardin, Dennis
Dirks, Alden
Dowd, Alexander
E, Ari
Eberhardt, Laurie
Elliott, Mark
England, Kevin
Evans, Timothy
Evenson, Vera S.
F, K
Farmer, Olivia
Foltz, Matthew
Franck, Alan
Furlan, Jessica
Gaswick, Wyatt
Gillman, Linnea
Goodwin, Meriel
Griffith, Elizabeth
griffith, gareth
Grootmyers, Django
Haga, Bethany
Haight, John
Halling, Roy
Harden, Christina
Hargrove, Sam
Harmon, C. Amanda
Harms, Bill
Harrod, Opal
Harrower, Emma
Harvey, Patrick
Healy, Rosanne
Herbarium, New York Botanical Garden
Herbarium, Sam Mitchel
Herbarium, University of Arizona Gilbertson Mycological
Herbarium, University of Michigan
Herbarium, University of Washington
Herbarium, Utah State University Intermountain
Hesler, Lexemuel Ray
Hodge, Kathie
Honan, Amy
Hopkins, Susan
Horman, Joel
Horton, Jonathan
Hughes, Karen
Huhndorf, Sabine
Islam, Melissa
Iturriaga, Teresa
Jackson, Sydney
Jakob, Sigrid
Janowicz, Samantha
Jia, April
Justice, Jay
Kalichman, Jacob
Karakehian, Jason
Kempf, Hannah
Kempter, Betsy
Kershner, Meghan
Kingsley, Nate
Kiss, Stephen
Klips, Robert
Knox, Eric
Kropp, Brad
Kudzma, Linas
Kuo, Michael
Kusinitz, Hannah
lab, coach
Lafferty, Daryl
LaGreca, Scott
Lebeuf, Renée
Lebovitz, Abby
Leipold, Chelsea
Lemmond, Ben
Liljeberg, Gretchen
Livezey, Martin
Lloyd, Curtis Gates
Lloyd, Meredith
Lo, Ziu Wing Michelle
Lockwood, Taylor F.
Looney, Brian
Maleiska, Daina
Malone, David
Mantis, Theodore
Martin, Caroline
Matheny, Patrick
McClay, Jenna
McCormick, Carol Ann
McGinn, Avery
McIlroy, Grace
Mendoza, Martha
Methven, Andrew
Meyers, Dan
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Pat
Millican, Alisha
Minnich, Clara
Mitchell, Donna
Mitchell, Pat
Molter, Dan
Morris, Stephanie
Myers, Joseph
Nakasone, Karen
Nakasone, Karen
Newman, Danny
Nguyen, Nhu
Noffsinger, Chance
Noren, Katie
Norise-Muhammad, Kaylan
Norman, Ruth
O'Hallaron, Joseph
Oberreiter, Shanna
Observations, iNaturalist
Observer, Mushroom
Oliver, Margaret
Papinutti, Leandro
Parker, Andrew
Peck, Charles Horton
Perlmutter, Gary
Petersen, Ronald
Phillips, Miranda
Piep, Michael B.
Pilla, Na. James
Powers, Robert
Prentice, Sarah
Project, NAMA Voucher Collection
Puentes, Ari
Rabadán González, Julio
Raja, Huzefa
RebeccavikizJT, Rebeccavikiz
Robertson, Connie
Robertson, Connie
Robinson, Jessica
Rockefeller, Alan
Roy, Bitty A
Russellheits33PZ, Russellheits81
Rysanek, Andrew
Scheive, Katelyn
Schneider, Ken
Schwarz, Christian
Schwarz, Christian
Siegel, Noah
Siminski, Anthony
Smith, Matthew
Smithson, Luke
Sollom, Gregory
Stevens, Fred
Stokes, Lauren
Sturgeon, Walt
Swenie, Rachel
Taft, Mara
Taylor, Garland Martin
Taylor, Garrett
Terry, Cooper
Thiers, Harry D.
Till, Virginia
Tobey, Nathaniel Tobey
Tocci, Genevieve
Trudell, Steve
Tulloss, R. E.
Udell, Noel
Ulasevich, Karolina
user, conference
Vahary, Emily
Vale, Ryan
VanHouten, Austin
Van Wyk, Judson
Vellinga, Else
Vincent, Michael
Walker, Justin
Wiesemann, Hannah
Wilson, Nathan
Wood, Michael
Wood, Michael G.
Yetter, Gene
Zipay, Anna
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Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
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Acadia University, E. C. Smith Herbarium
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Ahart Herbarium, CSU Chico - Mycological Collection
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Atlas of Living Australia specimen-based fungal data
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Bamfield Marine Science Centre
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Bishop Museum, Herbarium Pacificum
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Botanical Research Institute of Texas
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Brazil SpeciesLink Fungi data from iDigBio
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Bridgewater College Herbarium
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Brown University Herbarium
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Cal Poly Humboldt Fungarium
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California Department of Food and Agriculture - Fungi
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California State University East Bay Fungarium
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Canadian National Mycological Herbarium
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Charles Gardner Shaw Mycological Herbarium, Washington State University
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Chrysler Herbarium - Mycological Collection
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Clemson University Herbarium
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College of the Atlantic, Acadia National Park Herbarium
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Cornell University Plant Pathology Herbarium
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Crested Butte Botanic Gardens
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Davis & Elkins College Herbarium
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Denver Botanic Gardens, Sam Mitchel Herbarium of Fungi
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Duke University Herbarium Fungal Collection
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Eastern Illinois University
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Ecuador Fungi data from FungiWebEcuador
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Estonian Museum of Natural History
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Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
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Field Museum of Natural History
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Foray Newfoundland and Labrador Fungarium
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Fort Lewis College Herbarium
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Fungal Collection at the Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
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Fungal Collections at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
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Fungus Collections at Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe
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Harvard University, Farlow Herbarium
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Herbarium Senckenbergianum
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Indiana University
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Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (TAAM) & Estonian University of Life Sciences (EAA)
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Institute of the Industrial Ecology Problems of the North of Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas/UNISINOS
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Intermountain Herbarium (fungi, not lichens), Utah State University
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International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants
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Iowa State University, Ada Hayden Herbarium
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Jewell and Arline Moss Settle Herbarium at SUNY Oneonta
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Louisiana State University, Bernard Lowy Mycological Herbarium
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Marshall University Herbarium - Fungi
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Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium
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Miami University, Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium
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Michigan State University Herbarium non-lichenized fungi
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Morton Arboretum
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Museo Botánico Córdoba Fungarium
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Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, specimen-based
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Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
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Museum of Northern Arizona
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National Herbarium of Mexico Fungal Collection (Hongos del Herbario Nacional de México)
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National Museum of Nature and Science - Japan
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National Mushroom Centre
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Natural History Museum of Utah Fungarium
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Naturalis Biodiversity Center
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New Brunswick Museum
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New York Botanical Garden
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New York State Museum Mycology Collection
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New Zealand Fungarium
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North Carolina State University, Larry F. Grand Mycological Herbarium
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Oregon State University Herbarium
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Oregon State University Herbarium - Lichens
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Patuxent Research Refuge - Maryland
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Purdue University, Arthur Fungarium
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Purdue University, Kriebel Herbarium
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René Pomerleau Herbarium
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Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
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Royal Ontario Museum Fungarium
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S.M. Tracy Herbarium Texas A&M University
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San Francisco State University, Harry D. Thiers Herbarium
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Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
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Slovenian Fungal Database (Mikoteka in herbarij Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije), specimen-based
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State University of New York College at Cortland
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State University of New York, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Herbarium
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Swat University Fungarium
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Swedish Museum of Natural History
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Tallinn Botanic Garden
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Universidad de Guadalajara
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Université de Montréal, Cercle des Mycologues de Montréal Fungarium
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University of Alabama Chytrid Culture Collection
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University of Arizona, Gilbertson Mycological Herbarium, specimen-based
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University of Arkansas Fungarium
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University of British Columbia Herbarium
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University of California Berkeley, University Herbarium
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University of California Santa Cruz Fungal Herbarium
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University of California, Irvine Fungarium
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University of California, Los Angeles
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University of Central Florida
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University of Central Oklahoma Herbarium
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University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Fungi
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University of Copenhagen
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University of Florida Herbarium
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University of Georgia, Julian H. Miller Mycological Herbarium
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University of Gothenburg
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University of Hawaii, Joseph F. Rock Herbarium
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University of Illinois Herbarium
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University of Illinois, Illinois Natural History Survey Fungarium
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University of Kansas, R. L. McGregor Herbarium
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University of Maine, Richard Homola Mycological Herbarium
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University of Manitoba
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University of Michigan Herbarium
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University of Minnesota, Bell Museum of Natural History Herbarium Fungal Collection
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University of Mississippi
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University of Montana Herbarium
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University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium - Fungi
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University of New Mexico Herbarium Mycological Collection
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University of North Carolina Asheville
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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Fungi
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University of Oslo, Natural History Museum Fungarium
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University of Richmond
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University of South Alabama Herbarium
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University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Fungal Collection
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University of South Florida Herbarium - Fungi including lichens
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University of Tartu Natural History Museum
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University of Tennessee Fungal Herbarium
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University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
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University of Texas Herbarium
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University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, Macrofungi
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University of Washington Herbarium
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University of West Alabama Fungarium
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University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium
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University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Herbarium
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University of Wyoming, Wilhelm G. Solheim Mycological Herbarium
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Uppsala University, Museum of Evolution
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Usac, Cecon, Herbario USCG Hongos
(USAC-USCG Hongos)
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USDA Forest Service, Center for Forest Mycology Research
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USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
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USDA United States National Fungus Collections
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Valdosta State University Herbarium
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Virginia Tech University, Massey Herbarium - Fungi
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Yugra State University Fungarium, specimen-based
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Addis Ababa University, observation-based
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Atlas of Living Australia observation-based fungal data
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Cryptogamic Russian Information System (CRIS) Observational Data
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Foray Newfoundland and Labrador, observation-based
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Fungal Diversity Survey
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Fungal Records Database of Britain and Ireland
(British Mycological Society)
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Fungal records database of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra
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iNaturalist Research Grade Observations
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Index of the C.G. Lloyd Mycological Collection Specimens Housed at BPI
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Indian Ascomycetes Fungal Database
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Indian Marine Fungi Database
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Indian Mushroom Database
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Indian Myxomycetes Database
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Indian Rust Fungal Database
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Long Island Mycological Club
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Malta Mycological Association
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Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, observation-based
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Mushroom Observer
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NAMP - New York Mycological Society: Macrofungi of New York City, New York
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Purdue University Northwest Mycology
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Slovenian Fungal Database (Mikoteka in herbarij Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije), observation-based
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University of Arizona, Gilbertson Mycological Herbarium, observation-based
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University of British Columbia Cortinarius updates
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General Observation and Personal Collections
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Search criteria: Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Page 1, records 1-48 of 48
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Eva Skific
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
I. G. Safonov
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Dave W
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Dave W
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Terri Clements/Donna Fulton
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
North American Mycological Association
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
I. G. Safonov
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Eva Skific
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
walt sturgeon
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
I. G. Safonov
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Dave W
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Eva Skific
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
I. G. Safonov
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Eva Skific
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
walt sturgeon
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Dave W
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Patrick Harvey
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Eva Skific
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
I. G. Safonov
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Dave W
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
walt sturgeon
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Dave W
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Terri Clements/Donna Fulton
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Patrick Harvey
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Eva Skific
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens
Jared McRae
Oudemansiella rubrobrunnescens