Zeller, S.M. 1948. Notes on certain Gasteromycetes, including two new Orders. Mycologia 40(6): 654.
(Scleroderma pteridis Shear, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 451. 1902. -Geastrum hygrometricum Pers. var. giganteum Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 1: 68. f. 30. 1901.)
Most of the years since 1909 I have spent in western Oregon or Washington and have wondered why Scleroderma pteridis Shear could not be found. Recently a portion of the type was discovered at N.Y.B.G. It proved immediately to be an old acquaintance, the "Giant Astraeus" of the Pacific northwest. It is not unusual to find the buttons up to 2 inches in diameter. The largest expanded star observed was over 9 inches. Shear mentioned its similarity to Scleroderma geaster. It is in size only. The peridial characters are entirely distinct.