Geastrum multiï¬dum var. β. Disp. meth. fung. p. 6.
Lycoperdon voluam explanans. Schmidel. Ic. et anal. pl. p. 179 — 132. t 46.
Prov. in syluis lutosis aut ericosis.
OBS. Pro laciniarum crassitudine et latitudine variat. cfr. Schmidelii ï¬guras, l. c.
β. Woodwardi: minor, capitulo superne-plano, ore acuminato ciliis (stipiteque) longioribus. Woodward l. c. p. 53. Bryant Hist. acc. of two Lycoperdons f. 19, Mich.. gen. pl. t. 100. f. 2.?
This elegant little variety grows on dry banks, usually amongst ivi, and seldom exceeds an inch or an inch and half in the diameter of its expansed rays. The colour is dark brown. Woodward.